In a heartwarming Instagram post on Thursday night, Beenie Man, also known as Moses Davis, revealed that he and British businesswoman Camille Lee are officially engaged. The dancehall legend shared a video capturing the magical proposal, expressing his joy after 23 years of companionship.
In the Instagram caption, Beenie Man gushed about Lee, describing her as his rock and the source of unwavering support throughout their journey. “Her energy and light have brought new life to my music. I couldn’t have done it without her by my side. Forever grateful for her love and support,” he declared.
Camille Lee, in an Instagram Live from a previous year, reminisced about her longstanding connection with Beenie Man, dating back to their childhood days in Jones Town and Craig Town. The couple’s engagement marks a significant milestone in their enduring relationship, celebrated by fans and well-wishers across social media.
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