Free State Speaker Zanele Sifuba Opens Civil Case over Leaked Online Sex video

Free State Speaker Zanele Sifuba Opens Civil Case over Leaked Online Sex video Zanele Sifuba sex tape
Zanele Sifuba
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Free State Speaker Zanele Sifuba Opens Civil Case over Leaked Online Sex video Zanele Sifuba sex tape
Zanele Sifuba

The speaker of the legislature in the Free State, Zanele Sifuba, has taken legal action after a sex video of her leaked on social media. The incident has drawn attention and support from her political party, the ANC.

According to reports, Zanele Sifuba decided to pursue a civil case against those responsible for leaking the sex video. The ANC parliamentary caucus in the Free State was quick to issue a statement, acknowledging the situation and expressing solidarity with Sifuba. The caucus urged the public not to propagate or share any material related to the incident.

Thabo Meeko, the ANC chief whip, affirmed their unwavering confidence in Zanele Sifuba and condemned the attack on her integrity. He stated that the caucus fully supports her in dealing with the distressing situation and expressed his hopes that she would find the strength, wisdom, and courage to fulfill her responsibilities.

Although unverified, there are social media claims that the video leak was a result of Sifuba refusing to pay a bribe to keep it from being made public.

In light of the incident, social media law expert Emma Sadleir emphasized the illegality of revenge-driven publication of personal information and images. She highlighted the avenues of recourse available to victims, including laying criminal charges for crimen injuria, seeking damages through civil action, or obtaining protection orders.

Sadleir acknowledged the challenges of controlling the circulation of content once it appears on social media. She cautioned against victim-blaming and stressed the importance of the law’s protection for cybercrime victims, such as the forthcoming Cybercrimes Act.

Security specialist Mike Bolhuis warned about the disturbing trend of extortion linked to sexual revenge. Sextortionists target vulnerable and lonely victims, threatening to expose them to family and friends. Once a victim pays the extortionist, other criminals may step in, blackmailing the victim with false police accusations of violent crimes.

Bolhuis urged people to remain vigilant and avoid engaging in any form of pornography, sexual services, or sexual fantasy material offered on social media. Criminals prey on vulnerabilities, and the continuous harassment and threats can lead to severe emotional consequences, including depression and even suicide.

The incident involving Zanele Sifuba serves as a stark reminder of the importance of cybersecurity and the need for robust laws to protect victims of cybercrimes in the digital age.

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