In a heartening development, the viral sensation Mummy Zee, known as @_Debbie_OA, continues to receive overwhelming support and gifts. After already being gifted two Infinix phones and an iPhone 15 Pro Max, she now adds an iPhone 13 to her collection.
Mummy Zee’s dedication to cooking for her husband at 4:30 a.m. has sparked widespread admiration, resulting in numerous gifts. Among the impressive array are cash gifts totaling around N5M, various electronics, furniture, and even free fuel from NNPC.
Adding to the generosity, a phone vendor reached out to Mummy Zee, informing her that a client had paid for a brand-new iPhone 13 smartphone valued at about N500K. The vendor’s message expressed appreciation for Mummy Zee’s efforts, emphasizing that the gift is a small token of support.
This latest addition to Mummy Zee’s growing list of gifts showcases the continued outpouring of goodwill from well-wishers who are inspired by her story.
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