Roger Federer, the beloved former world number one tennis player, has enjoyed an illustrious career on the court. With numerous biographies chronicling his remarkable achievements, the Swiss maestro now ventures into a new domain. Recently, an intriguing sports thriller novel titled ‘Who Kidnapped Roger Federer?’ presents a unique and fictional narrative surrounding the life of this tennis legend.
While we know there will never be another Federer gracing the tennis arena, why not immerse ourselves in a fictional world that exists in parallel to our own, where his captivating presence can still be experienced?
‘Who Kidnapped Roger Federer?’ is the brainchild of Italian author Piero Valesio. Released on June 2nd by Absolutely Free Publication, this book lives up to its title, offering an unexpected twist on the Swiss maestro’s life that may astonish tennis enthusiasts.
Set in Rome in the year 2040, the novel revolves around a significant event: Federer’s participation in the Internazionali BNL d’Italia tournament. While the plot may seem far-fetched, imagining a 41-year-old competing in 2040, even after his retirement from the tennis circuit last year, it sets the stage for an extraordinary tale.
According to the Italian news agency ANSA, the novel delves into the intricate details of Federer’s collaboration with intriguing characters and explores the challenges that unfold. When circumstances veer off the anticipated path, a journalist and a police commissioner join forces to unravel the mystery within the sports arena.
In this captivating narrative, Federer assumes a thrilling new persona, traversing between mixed reality and fiction, endowed with the ability to foresee potential futures. Adding to the excitement, the 20-time Grand Slam champion recently made a brief yet memorable appearance in the popular HBO show, “Succession.”
Jesse Armstrong, the creator of “Succession,” drew a fascinating parallel between the character Roy, played by Jeremy Strong, and the young Roger Federer. Roy embodies all the essential skills for success but grapples with utilizing them effectively when needed.
‘Who Kidnapped Roger Federer?’ promises readers a roller-coaster ride through its enigmatic storyline, offering a fresh perspective on the tennis legend’s life in an alternate universe. As fans dive into this sports thriller, they will uncover the secrets behind Federer’s disappearance and embark on a riveting adventure that pushes the boundaries of imagination.
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